Operation Deep Freeze Unleashes Tubarão: A Game-Changing Defender in Rainbow Six Siege
Eight years, 32 seasons, 70 operators. Throughout this time, Rainbow Six Siege has witnessed only a few instances where the fundamental aspect of its meta—breaching—underwent significant changes. In 2015, the Bandit trick demonstrated that Thatcher could be countered, and in 2018, Maverick introduced an unstoppable (though risky) method for breaching walls. Subsequently, Kaid provided protection for hatches. While alternative options for breaching charges and EMPs have integrated well into the meta since then, Tubarão is a new addition that catches everyone by surprise.
Tubarão, the new defender of Operation Deep Freeze, has entered testing this week and is set to release in early December. As a 2-speed, 2-armor operator armed with the Zoto canister—a throwable sticky bomb that freezes everything in a few-meter radius—he brings a unique twist. Operators moving within the frozen area of effect experience reduced speed and leave footprints that linger for several seconds. Yet, there's more to it; all gadgets within this frozen zone are deactivated, with very few exceptions.
In a sense, Tubarão is akin to having Mute's signal jammer in your pocket, but with added advantages. It can be thrown from a distance, starts jamming gadgets instantly, and can interrupt breaching charges that have already begun detonating. This adds a daunting new element for attackers accustomed to dealing with reinforced walls in the same manner since 2015. Notably, not even mechanical devices immune to Mute's effects, like Ram's breaching bots or secondary hard breach charges, can escape Tubarão's deep freeze.
Primary weapons: AR-15.50 (DMR), MPX (SMG)
Secondary weapon: P226 MK 25 (Pistol)
Secondary gadgets: Nitro Cell, Proximity Alarm
Ubisoft has a tendency to introduce gadgets that appear to be superior versions of older ones, prompting speculation about whether the Zoto will outclass Mute or even Kaid. However, two key weaknesses may limit its dominance: the Zoto canister can't destroy gadgets on its own, and it only jams them temporarily. Frozen gadgets thaw out as soon as the canister expires (around 10-12 seconds) to resume their functions. This means Bandit, Kaid, or a well-thrown impact grenade is still required to clear a wall; otherwise, the delay is only temporary.
Assessing Tubarão based on a few matches raises questions about how an attacking team can reasonably counter someone who can jam up a wall for over 40 seconds of the round (if all four Zoto canisters are used). Ubisoft suggests that lasers from Zero or Twitch's gadgets can destroy the Zoto from within, but the reliability of a drone infiltration is well-known. Otherwise, options include disrupting wall defense from above (challenging but counters every wall defense), getting a frag grenade into the room somehow (sometimes easy if there's a gap above the wall), or waiting out the Zoto. In an ideal scenario, Tubarão could be instrumental in thwarting hard breach gadgets. At the very least, he can consume a significant amount of time that attackers can't afford to lose.
And that's only considering his use for anti-breach purposes. In a pinch, Tubarão's reactive throwables allow him to deny drone entry, reveal attacker footsteps for an easy vertical attack, or make a crucial chokepoint much harder to push in a clutch situation. The only obstacle holding Tubarão back is surviving long enough to make a difference.
It remains to be seen whether Tubarão is as dominant in practice as he appears on paper. He will debut in Operation Deep Freeze in December, alongside the new map Lair, a major nerf to frag grenades (they can't be cooked anymore), and attack training scenarios.