In update 13.19, players displaying toxic behavior will be subject to a ban from ranked matches
Riot Games will implement restrictions on access to ranked matches for toxic players in the game League of Legends. This information was announced on the developers' Twitter account.
The new penalties will serve as an additional incentive for correcting undesirable behavior. All existing punishment measures will continue to be in effect in the game.
In update 13.19, we are introducing new penalties in the ranked queue for most violations. Toxic players will be required to play corrective matches in a non-rated queue and exhibit improved behavior. These changes will affect the "Blind Pick," "Draft Pick," ARAM, and "Temporary Game Mode" modes. More detailed information will be available in the patch notes for 13.19! Restrictions will be imposed for premature game exits, AFK behavior, toxic gameplay, and chat violations.
Riot Games
Riot Games announced the introduction of these restrictions back in May 2023. Developers note that previous additional punishment measures have had a significant impact on reducing the number of toxic players, which is why they have decided to strengthen sanctions.
Update 13.19 will be available on all servers during the night of September 26th to 27th. A preliminary list of changes can be found on the official website. The final version of the update will be released one day before its launch.